Italian Language Pack ver.1.27 svn 148

Language files
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Italian Language Pack ver.1.27 svn 148

Post by skau » Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:41 am

Hello all,
I've upload italian_zip for version 1.27, included to SVN 148, (starting from great Oistacus work done for ver 1.26)

Install instructions:
1. Download the file and unzip it.
2. Upload the upload/admin/language/italian directory into your /admin/language/ directory, next to the english.
3. Upload the upload/catalog/language/italian directory into your /catalog/language/ directory, next to the english.
4. Go to Admin -> Configuration -> Localization -> Language and click Insert.
5. Fill in the form:
Language Name: Italian
Code: it
Flag Image: it.png
Directory: italian
Main Filename: italian.php
Sort Order: 2
6. Save it.

Update instructions (you should have running 1.2.7 and Italian language installed)
a) follow steps from 1 to 3

have a nice time !! :)
revised on 22 march 2012
(135.19 KiB) Downloaded 882 times

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