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New additions for Version 1.2.6

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:38 pm
by Brent
This is a test sample of guest checkout that can be tested on version 1.2.5.
Copy catalog and library folders to your document root, overwriting existing files.
Login to admin, select backup-> backup restore, and select the file GuestCheckout.sql located in this mod and save.
Your database will now include a new field, guest.
That's all there is. You can now test.
Customer can checkout without the regular account registration. Only the basic information is required to complete the sale.
Once customer leaves your site, the account is not accessible.
If in the future, the customer wants to activate the account, they can use password forgotten with their email address and the account will be activated as a registered account. Their password will be emailed to the email account on file.