How to customize the catalog footer?

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How to customize the catalog footer?

Post by leo » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:24 pm

1. How to enable/disable the footer?

Go to Admin/Extensions/Module and search for footer.
You'll have 2 results: Admin Footer and Catalog Footer.
Click on the wrench icon in the line of the catalog footer and change the status from Enabled to Disabled.
The complete footer will disappear form every page in the catalog.

2. How to modify the "© Copyright 2011 Your Developer Team" ?

This is for developers to advertize their company, i.e. this a link to their page.
To change the setting, go to Admin/Extensions/Module and search for dev.
Click on the wrench.
developer.png (21.73 KiB) Viewed 19564 times
Here you can enter e.g. your company name and your website link or even completely disable this module.

3. How to change the footer logo?

Upload your logo to the /image/logo directory then go to Admin/Configuration/Setting/Options: Tax, RSS, Logos tab.
Under Footer Logo Image choose your logo from the drop down list, then set the position according to your needs.

4. Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, W3C logos

To change them according to your needs, simply overwrite the original files with yours:

Code: Select all

You cannot enable/disable these images in the admin, they are hard coded, i.e. you have to edit the /catalog /template/default/module/footer.tpl file.
The easiest way is to uncomment the lines.
Just to give you an idea, the original content:

Code: Select all

<div class="a">
  <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/paypal.png" title="<?php echo $text_papal;?>" alt="<?php echo $text_papal;?>">&nbsp;
  <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/visa.png" title="<?php echo $text_visa;?>" alt="<?php echo $text_visa;?>">&nbsp;
  <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/master.png" title="<?php echo $text_mastercard;?>" alt="<?php echo $text_mastercard;?>">&nbsp;
<div class="b"><?php echo $todays_date.'<br>'; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo $text_powered_by; ?></div>
<?php if($w3c_status){?>
  <div class="a">
    <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/valid-html401.png" alt="<?php echo $text_wc3html;?>">&nbsp;
    <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/vcss.gif" alt="<?php echo $text_wc3css;?>">
After commented out all the 5 lines:

Code: Select all

<div class="a">
<!--   <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/paypal.png" title="<?php echo $text_papal;?>" alt="<?php echo $text_papal;?>">&nbsp; -->
<!--   <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/visa.png" title="<?php echo $text_visa;?>" alt="<?php echo $text_visa;?>">&nbsp; -->
<!--   <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/master.png" title="<?php echo $text_mastercard;?>" alt="<?php echo $text_mastercard;?>">&nbsp; -->
<div class="b"><?php echo $todays_date.'<br>'; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo $text_powered_by; ?></div>
<?php if($w3c_status){?>
  <div class="a">
<!--     <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/valid-html401.png" alt="<?php echo $text_wc3html;?>">&nbsp; -->
<!--     <img src="catalog/styles/<?php echo $this->style?>/image/vcss.gif" alt="<?php echo $text_wc3css;?>"> -->

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